Well-being assessment

Well-being assessment

As you might well know, well-being measurement is subjective and varies according to multiple elements and the environment we find ourselves in. After investigating and compiling research from various prestigious institutions, we have found that in general, well-being rests on 5 inter-depending elements. These 5 pillars construct and directly influence our ability to respond and be in harmony with ourselves and our environment.

The purpose of this test is to find a baseline from where you benchmark your well-being journey. As your life changes, as you go through various stages and as you evolve and improve yourself, you need to be able to track these changes so that you can better measure and visualize your journey. For this reason, you might find it useful to take this test quarterly or perhaps at least twice every year.

When people are able to manage and positively balance these factors, they can effortlessly develop the right tools and habits that can truly enhance their personal life and professional satisfaction. We really hope that this well-being test will allow you to better understand your positive factors and enable you to enhance the quality of life.

The purpose of this test is to find a baseline from where you benchmark your well-being journey. As your life changes, as you go through various stages and as you evolve and improve yourself, you need to be able to track these changes so that you can better measure and visualize your journey. For this reason, you might find it useful to take this test quarterly or perhaps at least twice every year.

To get accurate, consistent results, you need to be completely genuine and honest in your response, and answer as things are now and not as you would want them to be. At the same time, there is no ‘right or wrong’ result, except for the one that is most suitable for you.

To start your well-being journey, please allow around 5 minutes to complete this test.


In your own opinion, do you agree, strongly agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements?

Total Qustion : 40
Total Answer :
Score :

0-25: Congratulations! You are able to find multiple elements that can be scaled up and your well-being journey can be filled with many joyful moments! Well-being constitutes an important part of our lives that involves different aspects. The most important outcome of the test is that you were completely honest with yourself and now you are able to determine what areas you need to resolve in order to see some quick wins. Working on these areas before they get out of hand or cause you any damage is important especially in your career. Your extensive potential awaits! Further guidance is available and all you need to do is reach out as a lot of people are willing to help. Everything you choose to share privately with us is confidential and we will not share with your organisation.

26-50: Congratulations! Although some areas need work and a great deal of attention, there are multiple areas you also shine. Not everyone has excellent results and the purpose of this test is to reveal just this: areas of improvement. The upside of your sincerity is that you can now discover many points that can be easily improved. Working in these areas gives you balance in your personal life as well as your professional careers. However, you should note that if you need any kind of assistance working on your well-being, lots of specialists are ready to assist.

51-75: Congratulations! You have a great balance of different areas of your well-being indicating that you are well within the range of normal, average well-being. This is admirable and please take caution to avoid unbalancing one area or putting much emphasis on only one aspect, since these 5 pillars are interdependent. Many people have difficulties reaching the same levels, so keep up the good work, your painful experiences have been worth your time and you have learned from your mistakes. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can improve the aspects which are more delicate and work on the areas you had lower scores than the rest. Reach out for further assistance and guidance on how to master the 5 elements of well-being.

76-95: Congratulations! Your results are remarkable! You truly master the 5 pillars of well-being but this is not news to you. It only re-affirms that you have a great balance and have worked extensively on each of these elements to be where you are now. A great deal of effort, self-exploration and awareness have gone into delivering these outstanding results. You know how to handle various life stresses, as well as balancing your career and your personal life. You are highly skilled in maintaining positive relationships and have a great sense of engagement with those living around you. It’s no surprise that you feel financially fulfilled and you take care of your physical body as well as your mindset. If you would like to share your story, please get in touch so that we can help others.

95-100: Although well-being aims at having complete balance of all the aspects, no person is perfect and everyone has different dissatisfactions, flaws and ideals to reach out to. Would you like to retake the test with honesty? Confidentiality is observed and therefore honesty is required for accurate results.


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